8 Questions To Explore In Fostering A Positive Mind & Body In 2023
New Year’s Day fills us with complex emotions: exhilarating possibilities and exciting opportunities of a fresh year paired with daunting realities, and the indication of time continuing to pass us by.
As someone who spent the evening surrounded by family and friends, laughing and watching gorgeous fireworks, I found myself ending the night counting 7 new grey hairs and contemplating what I need to achieve in 2023. In times like these, where we experience overwhelming joy and stress, we are surprised by that indescribable “out of sorts” feeling.
While I personally don’t adhere to “New Years Resolutions,” I believe in taking purposeful action to foster a healthy body and mind. Small steps lead us to those greater changes. In the spirit of raising a toast to 2023, I’ve compiled a list of 8 questions to explore that will help start your year on a fresh, constructive note.
In order to best serve your needs, keeping realistic expectations in mind, I suggest picking 1-3 of the below areas to explore. As you read through the list, ask yourself: what sparks your curiosity and interest?
8 Questions To Foster A Positive Mind & Body in 2023
Social Connections: Which Fuel You?
In starting off this new year, identifying social support systems that build you up and committing to maintaining them will set you up for happiness in your relationships. Similarly, identifying the ones that may need to be let go of due to (drama, stress, one-sided, etc) can give you time to focus on the important ones.
I always ask myself “does it fill my cup?” Relationships should fill your cup with fun and love, not drain it.
Physical Activity: Where Would You Like To Be?
In examining your physical activity level, ask yourself where you’d like to be: exercising for 3x/week for and hour? 4x? Once you’ve identified your goal, look at where you are now. Rather than shooting to reach your goal immediately, think of small steps you can take. For example, if you’re currently inactive and would like to get to that 3x a week for an hour, try committing to 1x for 20 minutes your first week or two. From there, add up as you grow in comfort and confidence.
Examining the types of exercise you enjoy is also helpful. Moving your body looks so different: walking, swimming, yoga, cycling, dancing… what do you take pleasure in?
Gratitude: What Will Boost Yours?
Gratitude is about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Studies show, again and again, that having gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, soak in good experiences, improve their health, cope with stress, and build stronger and more meaningful relationships.
If you’re not sure where to begin, Positive Psychology has a fantastic resource of 13 popular ways to practice gratitude (I personally love having a journal and jar).
Nutrition: What Foods Fuel You?
There are the foods we WANT and the foods we NEED. Every person is different in their body’s response to nutrition, so it’s important to listen to your body cues, rather than someone else’s.
While we know honoring fruits, veggies, complex carbs and lean meats are important, an energy inventory experiment is useful here, especially if you’re unsure of which specific foods here fuel your body the most.
Take notice (write down or record if you can) of the various foods you ingest, and your levels of energy and/or lethargy 30-60 minutes later. You can learn a lot about your body’s needs this way.
Material Possessions: What Can Go?
This is one of my favorite questions to explore, as there’s nothing quite like the feeling of purging your old belongings from 2010 that you’ve held on to just in case…
I like to follow the rule of thumb: did I wear it/ use it in 2022? If I didn’t use it or didn’t even think about wearing it, chances are it can be donated.
Not sure what to do with all the stuff? Many places will take gently used clothes, shoes, and other appliances. Make sure to call them first, as some have parameters around what they can accept.
Media Time: What Boundaries Do You Need?
Are you needing to set boundaries around your time spent in front of a screen? This relates to: social media, computer time, watching TV, playing electronic games…
The world is meant to be enjoyed face-to-face rather than screen-to-screen. Committing to less screen time correlates to greater gratitude and less stress. So, what’s a reasonable limitation for you to set regarding your daily media time? How can you hold yourself accountable?
“Me Time:” How Can You Plan It?
It often is the first thing we sacrifice when life gets crazy. But, “me” time helps us destress and unwind. We sleep better, feel more positive (and patient!) and are more present to be with those around us.
In order to plan it:
First define the what: What constitutes your “me” time? A bath? A book? A walk? Cooking dinner for yourself? The sky is the limit.
Then, define the when: Once a week? Twice? Schedule it in ahead of time so it doesn’t fall by the waist-side.
Hobbies: “Try and Try Again”
Hobbies give you an outlet to express yourself and use creative energy. Having hobbies that excite you relieve stress, and can provide mental, physical, and emotional benefits.
When it comes to finding hobbies that stick, I enjoy the “try and try again” method. Ever been salsa dancing? Take a class! Ever knitted? Give it a go! If it’s not for you that’s fine, but by trying it you’ve learned something about yourself. As you try new activities, you’ll find the ones that bring you joy.
*This can be a great experiment for finding physical activities that excite you as well!
Out Of The 8….
Which 1-3 of the areas did you pick? Think about your ideal vision in this area. What excites you the most?
Let me know by contacting me here
Wishing you all a happy and healthy start to 2023!